Danh sách các trường tại Mỹ chấp nhận GRE

Danh sách các trường tại Mỹ chấp nhận GRE

Các tổ chức và nhà tài trợ học bổng tại Mỹ được liệt kê dưới đây được chấp thuận nhận điểm GRE.

Nhiều tổ chức khác nhau sử dụng điểm GRE để xem xét ứng viên cho học bổng sau đại học. Tuy nhiên, điểm kiểm tra không nên được chuyển trực tiếp đến nhà tài trợ học bổng trừ khi bạn đã nộp đơn đăng ký với nhà tài trợ đó hoặc được nhà tài trợ yêu cầu gửi điểm. Nếu bạn đang đăng ký học bổng không xuất hiện trong danh sách nhưng được cung cấp bởi một trường đại học cụ thể, hãy liên hệ với trường đại học đó để xác định mã thích hợp để sử dụng.

Dấu * theo sau tên của tổ chức cho biết tổ chức đó không cung cấp các chương trình sau đại học. Một tổ chức không cung cấp các chương trình sau đại học chỉ nên được nhập vào phần tổ chức đại học của mẫu đăng ký; nó không nên được nhập như một đơn vị nhận báo cáo điểm.

7695A T Still U Arizona PTCAS
4547A T Still U Arizona Sch Hlth Sci CSDCAS
2211A T Still U Arizona Sch Hlth Sci OTCAS
4443A T Still U ASHS CASPA
6240A T Still U Sch Health Mgmt
6001Abilene Christian U
1778Abilene Christian U CSDCAS
3354Academy of Art U
3773Academy Urban Sch Leadership Fellowship
2958ACHE Sch Physical Therapy
4057Acton Sch Bus
4001Adams St U
2003Adelphi U
0058Adelphi U CSDCAS
2181Adler Grad Sch
7501Adler Sch Professional Psych
1001Adrian Coll
1057Adventist U Hlth Sci
6985Adventist U Hlth Sci CASPA
1951Adventist U Hlth Sci Nursing CAS
1998Adventist U Hlth Sci OTCAS
1777Adventist U Hlth Sci PTCAS
2151African American Inst
5002Agnes Scott Coll
1827Air Force Inst Technology
2877Air U
1003Alabama A & M U
3840Alabama Library Association
1248Alabama Public Library Service
1006Alabama State U
4231Alaska Dept Edu & Early Dev
4201Alaska Pacific U
7804Albany Coll Pharmacy & Hlth Sci Pharm Grad
2013Albany Coll Pharmacy Hlth Sci
2946Albany Law Sch
2947Albany Medical Coll
0403Albany Medical Coll CASPA
5004Albany St U
3001Albertus Magnus Coll
1007Albion Coll
5071Albizu U
2188Albizu U PSYCAS
2004Albright Coll
1008Alcorn St U
5005Alderson Broaddus U
0522Alderson Broaddus U CASPA
2005Alfred U
1098Alice Lloyd Coll
2006Allegheny Coll
6065Allen Coll
2960Allen College PTCAS
5006Allen U
4039Alliant Intl U
1010Alma Coll
2431Alvernia U
3013Alvernia U ATCAS
0644Alvernia U CASPA
1619Alvernia U PTCAS
1012Alverno Coll Sch Ed
0415Amalgamated Lithographers Amer
6140Amberton U
0023Amer Council Learned Societies
7123Amer Inst Aero Astronautics
5673Amer Intercont U Dunwoody
5039American Assocation U Women
6990American Baptist Coll
4016American Baptist Seminary West
8543American Coll Acupuncture Oriental Med
4669American Coll Applied Science
4428American Coll Education
0764American Coll Education
3727American Coll Traditional Chinese Med
1014American Conservatory Music
5282American Councils Intl Edu
4140American Film Inst Conservatory
2014American Friends Hebrew U
8704American Grad U
3002American Intl Coll
3576American Islamic Inst
4876American Jewish U
2471American Museum of Natl Hist
7802American Museum of Natl Hist MS Arts Tchng
3527American Political Sci Assoc
0187American Psychological Asoc
5140American Society Engnrng Educ
5024American Sociological Assoc
5007American U
4908American U Antigua
8439American U Art & Sci
7027American U Caribbean
5964American U Caribbean Haiti
6746American U Complementary Medicine
4262American U Health Sciences
1424American U Kogod Business Online
4357American U Kogod Sch Business
7517American U Leadership
5558American U Sch Intl Service
0812American U Sch Intl Service Intl Relations Online
5733American U Sch Public Affairs
4203American U Washington Coll Law
3003Amherst Coll
9776Amridge U
1016Anderson U
5008Anderson U
5008Anderson U
1711Anderson U Falls Sch Business
4974Anderson U School Phys Therapy PTCAS
3004Andover Newton Theological Sch
1030Andrews U
7614Andrews U Phys Therapy
6644Angelo St U
7163Angelo St u PTCAS
3005Anna Maria Coll
7032Antioch U Los Angeles
1017Antioch U Midwest
3694Antioch U New England
3119Antioch U Santa Barbara
7030Antioch U Seattle
1796AOMA Grad Sch Integrative Medicine
5010Appalachian St U
4643Appalachian St U ATCAS
1018Aquinas Coll
0661Aquinas Coll
6023Aquinas Inst Theology
2039Arcadia U
4696Arcadia U Hybrid – CASPA
4722Arcadia U Online Physical Therapy
1578Arcadia U Phys Asst Prog CASPA
7637Arcadia U Phys Therapy
2687Arcadia U SOPHAS
4162Argosy U
7204Argosy U
5057Argosy U
5274Argosy U Atlanta
1306Argosy U Chicago City Campus
1182Argosy U Chicago NW
4096Argosy U Hawaii
2697Argosy U Hawaii Sch Prof Psychology
4471Argosy U Online Prog
8714Argosy U Orange County
5486Argosy U Tampa
6409Argosy U Twin Cities
4736Arizona Christian U
4007Arizona State U
4165Arizona State U West
4816Arizona State U- Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law
6011Arkansas State U
4108Arkansas State U PTCAS
6010Arkansas Tech U
6039Arlington Baptist Coll
5012Armstrong St U
7712Armstrong St U CSDCAS
5012Armstrong State University
3904Army Fayetteville St U MSW
3500Army-Baylor Graduate Programs
0595Art Center Coll Design
8797Art Inst Dallas
1020Asbury Theological Seminary
1019Asbury U
1021Ashland U
4781Ashland U CASPA
3355Assemblies God Theo Sem
3799Assoc Alum Barnard Coll Flshp
3009Assumption Coll
2041AT&T Labs Fellowship Program
8795Athens College of Ministry
1024Athens State Coll
2613Atlantis U
1005Auburn U Auburn
7807Auburn U CSDCAS
1036Auburn U Montgomery
6014Augsburg U
1025Augustana Coll
6015Augustana Coll
4886Augustana College CSDCAS
2439Augustana U MA Sport Admin & Leadership
2608Augustana U MPA Prog
1027Aurora U
6016Austin Coll
6286Austin Grad Sch Theology
1028Austin Peay St U
4494Austin Peay St U Grad CAS
2987Autoridad del Canal de Panama
5577Ave Maria U
5017Averett U
6109Avila U
4596Azusa Pacific U
3075Babson Coll
2007Baker Coll
6031Baker U
1050Baldwin Wallace Coll
9875Baldwin Wallace Coll Bus MBA
7005Baldwin Wallace U CSDCAS
1051Ball St U
3335Bangor Theo Seminary
2035Bank Street College Education
2036Baptist Bible Coll & Sem
0234Baptist Coll FL
1988Baptist Hlth Sys Dietetic Internship
3894Baptist Missionary Assn Theo Seminary
3777Baptist Seminary Kentucky
5052Barber Scotia Coll
6228Barclay Coll
2037Bard Coll
3795Bard Coll Simons Rock
2020Bard Grad Center
2038Barnard Coll
6170Barnes Jewish College Nursing
0017Barr Fellowship Committee
5053Barry U
4477Barry U NursingCAS
2207Barry U OTCAS
5016Barton Coll
2045Baruch Coll CUNY Exec MSILR
2012Baruch Coll CUNY Weissman
2034Baruch Coll CUNY Zicklin Sch
2027Baruch Coll Sch Pub Affairs
9839Bastyr U
3076Bates Coll
3078Bay Path Coll
6059Baylor Coll Dentistry
6052Baylor College Medicine
2149Baylor College Medicine CASPA
6032Baylor U
4686Baylor U OTCAS
2219Baylor U PTCAS
4303Baylor U SOPHAS
7532Baylor U US Army Doctoral Program PTCAS
3539Baylor U US Army OTCAS
5670Beacon U
1414Becker Coll
4445Becker Coll Sch Grad & Prof Studies
0027Beinecke Scholarship Program
1055Belhaven U
3831Belhaven U Aspire MBA/MSM
3821Belhaven U MPA Program
1056Bellarmine U
7674Bellarmine U Phys Therapy
6053Bellevue U
3239Bellin College
3482Bellin College PTCAS
5055Belmont Abbey Coll
1058Belmont U
3970Belmont U College of Law
7523Belmont U Jack Massey Sch Business
1203Belmont U OTCAS
7589Belmont U Sch Phys Therapy
1059Beloit Coll
6676Bemidji St U
5056Benedict Coll
4584Benedict Coll Tyrone Adam Burroughs Sch Bus & Entrep
6056Benedictine Coll
7187Benedictine Coll Sch Business
1707Benedictine U
6139Benjamin Banneker Honors Coll
3080Bennington Coll
3096Bentley U
1060Berea Coll
3107Berklee Coll Music
5059Berry Coll
1269Berry Coll CASPA
6034Bethany Coll
5060Bethany Coll
6074Bethany Lutheran Coll
6037Bethel Coll
4195Bethel Seminary San Diego
6067Bethel Theological Seminary
1079Bethel U
6038Bethel U
1063Bethel U
0510Bethel U MSPA CASPA
5061Bethune-Cookman Coll
3174Biblical Theo Seminary
4017Biola U
1064Birmingham-Southern Coll
6042Black Hills St U
1065Blackburn Coll
2044Bloomfield Coll
2646Bloomsburg U Pennsylvania
1066Blue Mtn Coll
5063Bluefield Coll
5064Bluefield St Coll
1067Bluffton U
5065Bob Jones U
4018Boise St U
3846Boston Architectural College
3083Boston Coll Arts Sciences
3033Boston Coll Carroll Sch Mgmt
3219Boston Coll Grad Sch Soc Work
4882Boston Coll Law School
3218Boston Coll Lynch Sch Edu
3062Boston Coll Sch Nursing
2508Boston Coll Sch Theo Min
7534Boston Coll Woods Coll Advancing Studies
3084Boston Conservatory
2370Boston Grad Sch Psychoanalysis
3087Boston U
0681Boston U CSDCAS
1891Boston U OTCAS
1767Boston U Sargent Coll ATCAS
4180Boston U Sch Law JD Admissions
0400Boston U Sch Medicine CASPA
7608Boston U Sch Phys Therapy PTCAS
3101Boston U Sch Pub Hlth SOPHAS
3089Bowdoin Coll
5401Bowie St U
1069Bowling Green St U
0703Bowling Green St U CSDCAS
1070Bradley U
7706Bradley U Phys Therapy
3092Brandeis U Arts & Sci
3097Brandeis U Heller Sch
3122Brandeis U Intl Bus Sch
9002Brandeis U SID Program
4967Brandman U
5066Brenau U
4397Brenau U Ivester Coll Hlth Sci CASPA
4960Brenau U Ivester Coll Hlth Sci PSYCAS
4824Brenau U OTCAS
7557Brenau U PTCAS
1071Brescia U
7301Briar Cliff U
1700Briar Cliff U Phys Therapy PTCAS
3968Bridgeport Hospital
5069Bridgewater Coll
4554Bridgewater S U ATCAS
3517Bridgewater State Coll
5492Bridging Nations U
4106Brigham Young U
4019Brigham Young U
4023Brigham Young U HI Sch Bus
2640Brigham Young U J Reuben Clark Law Sch
2046Brooklyn Coll
2690Brooklyn Law School
4228Brooks Inst
3094Brown U
7765Brown U Sch Pub Hlth SOPHAS
1908Bryan Coll
1244Bryan Coll Hlth Sciences
3095Bryant U
8825Bryant U Phys Asst Program CASPA
2002Bryn Athyn Coll
2049Bryn Mawr Coll
3896Bucknell University EngineeringCAS
2050Bucknell University GradCAS
6047Buena Vista U
5806Bureau Naval Personnel
0322Bush Foundation
1073Butler U
0477Butler U Physician Asst CASPA
0891Byzantine Catholic Seminary
2071Cabrini University
2661Cairn U
2072Caldwell Coll
4094California Baptist U
4274California Baptist U
4324California Baptist U ATCAS
4130California Baptist U CSDCAS
4031California College of Arts
4049California Inst Arts
4807California Inst Integral Stds
4034California Inst Tech
3414California Institute of Human Science
4088California Lutheran U
4035California Maritime Acad
4794California Northstate U
4406California Northstate U Masters Pharm Sci
4045California Northstate U PSYCAS
4796California Sch Law
6691California South Bay U
4082California St Poly U Pomona
4038California St Poly U San Luis Obispo
2647California U Pennsylvania
3006California U Pennsylvania CSDCAS
2243California U Sci & Medicine
0118California Western Sch Law
1776Calumet Coll St Joseph
6331Calvary Bible Coll
1095Calvin Coll
1096Calvin Theological Seminary
9774Cambridge Coll
6080Cameron U
5100Campbell U
4135Campbell U ATCAS
0406Campbell U CUCPHS CASPA
8567Campbell U Fetterman Sch Bus
2114Campbell U PTCAS
4114Campbell U Sch Osteopathic Med PostBac CAS
4575Campbell U Sch Pharmacy
2446Campbell U SOPHAS
1097Campbellsville U
2073Canisius Coll
4644Canisius Coll Grad Sch Business
6231Capella U
5884Capital Bible Seminary
1099Capital U
4995Capital U Law School
2453Capital U MBA
5101Capitol Coll
1100Cardinal Stritch Coll
2813Carland Coll
6081Carleton Coll
2421Carlow U
5001Carlow U CASPA
2074Carnegie Mellon U
3085Carnegie Mellon U Heinz Coll
4731Carnegie Mellon U Inst Politics & Strategy
0089Carnegie Mellon U Integrated Innovation Inst
7383Carnegie Mellon U Masters in Comp Finance
4883Carnegie Mellon U Tepper Sch Bus
4024Carnegie Mellon West
4041Carroll College
1101Carroll U
1211Carroll U OTCAS
8829Carroll U Phys Therapy PTCAS
0409Carroll U Physician Asst CASPA
1102Carson Newman U
1103Carthage Coll
1105Case Western Reserve U
4354Case Western Reserve U CASAA
1703Case Western Reserve U CASPA
4785Case Western Reserve U MPH Prog SOPHAS
0687Case Western Reserve U Sch Mgmt
4812Case Western Reserve U School of Law
1037Case Western U Sch Nursing
3765Castleton St Coll
5103Catawba Coll
2210Catholic Library Association
1112Catholic Theological Union
5104Catholic U of America
4004Catholic U of America Columbus School of Law
2078Cazenovia Coll
2079Cedar Crest Coll
5739Cedars Sinai Medical Center
1151Cedarville U
2080Centenary Coll
6082Centenary College Louisiana
4470Center Advanced Energy Studies
0274Center Neural Basis Cognition
6084Central Baptist Theo Seminary
1106Central Michigan U
0518Central Michigan U CASPA
0742Central Michigan U CSDCAS
7751Central Michigan U PTCAS
1109Centre Coll
6466Chadron St Coll
3245Chamberlain U
2873Chamberlain U CASPA
4105Chaminade U Honolulu
3291Champlain Coll
4047Chapman U
8679Chapman U
1772Chapman U ATCAS
0690Chapman U CSDCAS
3681Chapman U Phys Asst CASPA
7669Chapman U Phys Therapy
4315Chapman U Sch Pharmacy Pharm Grad
1781Charles Drew U Med Sci SOPHAS
4257Charles R Drew U Med Sci
5033Charleston School of Law
5079Charleston Southern U
2941Charleston Southern U ATCAS
2179Charleston Southern U CASPA
2904Charleston Southern U PTCAS
3292Charter Oak State Coll
2081Chatham Coll
4318Chatham U ATCAS
4271Chatham U OTCAS
3879Chatham U Phys Asst CASPA
0412Chatham U Phys Therapy PTCAS
4901Cherry Hill Seminary
2082Chestnut Hill Coll
2648Cheyney U Pennsylvania
1119Chicago Sch Professional Psych
1118Chicago St U
1120Chicago Theological Seminary
5107Chowan U
2612Christ King Seminary
5691Christendom Coll
1121Christian Brothers U
4150Christian Heritage Coll
3276Christian Theological Seminary
9394Christies Education Inc NY
5128Christopher Newport U
4050Church Divinity Sch Pacific
1114Church of God Sch Theology
1091Cincinnati Bible Coll & Sem
2083City Coll CUNY
4076City of Hope Graduate Sch
0381City U Seattle
2848City Year Greater Philadelphia
5109Claflin U
4053Claremont Graduate U
0153Claremont Graduate U SOPHAS
0220Claremont Lincoln U
4054Claremont McKenna Coll
4710Claremont Sch Theology
2649Clarion U Pennsylvania
5110Clark Atlanta U
3875Clark Atlanta U Sch Business Admin
3279Clark U
6099Clarke U
7577Clarke U PTCAS
6049Clarkson Coll
2084Clarkson U
0285Clarkson U CASPA
5145Clayton St U
5142Clearwater Christian Coll
1123Cleary Coll
5111Clemson U
3579Cleveland Chiropractic Coll
1124Cleveland Inst Music
1221Cleveland St U
4820Cleveland St U BusinessCAS
0694Cleveland St U CSDCAS
4829Cleveland St U EngineeringCAS
4826Cleveland St U GradCAS
7441Cleveland St U OTCAS
7740Cleveland St U Phys Therapy
4576Cleveland St U PSYCAS
4881Cleveland State University College of Law
5124Clinch Vly Coll
3143Cntr Conn St U EDD Ed Lead
5837Coastal Carolina U
6101Coe Coll
7963Cogswell Polytechnic Coll
5112Coker Coll
3280Colby Coll
3281Colby Sawyer Coll
2856Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
2085Colgate Rochester Crozer Divin
2086Colgate U
3305Coll Atlantic
4060Coll Idaho
3124Coll Lifelong Learning
2088Coll Mt St Vincent
5114Coll Notre Dame Maryland
4676Coll Santa Fe
4116Coll Southwest
3297Coll St Joseph
1417Coll St Joseph PTCAS
2091Coll St Rose
0048Coll St Rose CSDCAS
4923Coll Staten Island CUNY PTCAS
5115Coll William & Mary
7403Coll William & Mary Evening MBA Flex
1674Coll William & Mary Exec MBA
5871Coll William & Mary Marine Sci
1996Coll William & Mary Mason Sch Bus MS Analytics
6987Coll William & Mary MBA Prog
1422Coll William & Mary Online MBA
4514College Certified Psychophysiologists Online
5113College Charleston
3282College Holy Cross
2112College Insurance
2519College New Jersey
6107College of St Scholastica
0552College of St Scholastica CASPA
1995College of St Scholastica OTCAS
7707College of St Scholastica Phys Therapy
6713College Ozarks
6104College St Benedict
2090College St Elizabeth
6106College St Mary
4413College St Mary Physician Assistant Studies CASPA
2778College Staten Island CUNY
1134College Wooster
4659Colorado Christian U
4072Colorado Coll
4484Colorado Mesa U
3499Colorado Mesa U PTCAS
6954Colorado Mtn Coll
4073Colorado Sch Mines
7844Colorado Sch Pub Hlth SOPHAS
4075Colorado St U Ft Collins
8824Colorado St U Global Campus
4611Colorado St U Pueblo
2187Colorado St U VMCAS
4133Colorado Tech
3470Columbia Climate School
1135Columbia Coll
6095Columbia Coll
5117Columbia Coll
5116Columbia Intl U
4046Columbia Law School
3878Columbia Southern U
5118Columbia Theological Seminary
2619Columbia U Biomed PhD Phy Surg
7432Columbia U Bus Sch MS Prog
2116Columbia U Columbia Coll
2094Columbia U Dental Oral Srgy
7513Columbia U Earth Inst
4516Columbia U Genetic Counseling Grad Prog
2162Columbia U Grad Sch Art Sch
2173Columbia U Human Nutrition
0047Columbia U Mailman Sch HAMPCAS
6442Columbia U MBA/EMBA Business
2141Columbia U PhD Business
7745Columbia U Phys Therapy
2137Columbia U Prg Phys & Occ Ther
2159Columbia U Pub Hlth Adm Med SOPHAS
2164Columbia U Sch Architecture
2111Columbia U Sch Engineering
2171Columbia U Sch Fine Arts
2095Columbia U Sch Gen Stds
2686Columbia U Sch Gen Stds Postbac Premed Prog
2161Columbia U Sch Intrnl Pub Afrs
2120Columbia U Sch Journalism
2142Columbia U Sch Nursing
3602Columbia U Sch Professional Studies
2158Columbia U Sch Social Work
2905Columbia U Teachers Coll
5890Columbia Union Coll
1085Columbus Coll Art & Design
5123Columbus St U
6112Conception Seminary Coll
5120Concord U
2028Concordia Coll
6113Concordia Coll Moorhead
2096Concordia Coll New York
6115Concordia Seminary
1141Concordia Theological Seminary
4069Concordia U
1140Concordia U
1094Concordia U
6116Concordia U
4079Concordia U
3475Concordia U Ann Arbor PTCAS
0072Concordia U Portland Online
4821Concordia U School of Law
6114Concordia U St Paul
4518Concordia U St Paul PTCAS
6127Concordia U Texas
1139Concordia U Wisconsin
4628Concordia U Wisconsin CSDCAS
7697Concordia U Wisconsin Phys Therapy
3284Connecticut Coll
1903Consort East OH MS Pub Hlth
0483Consortium Grad Study Mgmt
5121Converse Coll
2097Cooper Union
5122Coppin St Coll
5705Corcoran Coll Art Design
6119Cornell Coll
2098Cornell U
7873Cornell U Coll Vet Med VMCAS
2549Cornell U Coll Vet Medicine
2456Cornell U Law School
2420Cornell U MS Pub Hlth SOPHAS
8296Cornell U S C Johnson Sch Mgmt
4132Cornell Weill Grad Sch Med BioMed CAS
1253Cornerstone U & Theo Sem
6124Covenant Coll
6141Covenant Theological Seminary
4400Craig Newmark Grad Sch Journalism CUNY
1156Cranbrook Academy Art
6121Creighton U
2693Creighton U CASPA
7757Creighton U Phys Therapy PTCAS
6144Criswell Coll
6412Crossroads Coll
6639Crown Coll
0254Crusade Scholarship Program
4110CSU Bakersfield
4091CSU Channel Islands
4048CSU Chico
4098CSU Dominguez Hills
1039CSU Dominguez Hills MBA/MPA
4011CSU East Bay
4113CSU East Bay Coll Bus & Econ Grad Prog
4679CSU East Bay CSDCAS
4312CSU Fresno
7798CSU Fresno PTCAS
4589CSU Fullerton
4588CSU Fullerton ATCAS
0235CSU Fullerton Coll of Business and Economics
4389CSU Long Beach
8848CSU Long Beach College of Business Administration
7782CSU Long Beach Doctor PT PTCAS
4399CSU Los Angeles
0519CSU Los Angeles College of Business and Economics
1747CSU Los Angeles CSDCAS
1945CSU Monterey Bay
4707CSU Northridge
7423CSU Northridge Graduate Programs in Business
7794CSU Northridge PTCAS
4671CSU Sacramento
0702CSU Sacramento CSDCAS
7588CSU Sacramento PTCAS
4099CSU San Bernardino
0350CSU San Bernardino College of Business
4684CSU San Francisco
4155CSU San Marcos
4626CSU San Marcos MS in Biotechnology
4713CSU Stanislaus
2442CSU Stanislaus MS Genetic Counseling
6953Ctrl Baptist Theo Sem Minneapolis
6085Ctrl Bible Coll
6087Ctrl Coll
3898Ctrl Connecticut St U
6089Ctrl Methodist U
1107Ctrl State U
2470Ctrl State U Grad Leadership
4044Ctrl Washington U
6123Culver Stockton Coll
1146Cumberland U
1225Cumberland U MBA
2479CUNY Baccalaureate Program
7914CUNY Sch Pub Hlth SOPHAS
3285Curry Coll
3401Curtis Inst Music
3877Cuyahoga CC MS Phys Asst Prog
2762Daemen Coll
6247Dakota St U
6155Dakota Wesleyan U
6159Dallas Baptist U
6153Dallas Christian Coll
6605Dallas Intl U GIAL
6156Dallas Theological Seminary
1696Daniel Morgan Academy
3351Dartmouth Coll
3360Dartmouth Coll Thayer Sch Engi
0158Dartmouth U Dartmouth Inst SOPHAS
1183Davenport U
5150Davidson Coll
2349Davidson Sch JTS
5151Davis & Elkins Coll
5179De Sales Sch Theology
5702Defense Systems Management Col
1162Defiance Coll
5153Delaware St U
2510Delaware Vly Coll Sci Agri
2870Delaware Vly U CASPA
2964Delaware Vly U CSDCAS
1163Delta St U
1164Denison U
4080Denver Seminary
1165DePaul U
4025DePaul U Coll Law
5968DePaul U Computing Digital Med
4936DePaul U Pub Hlth SOPHAS
1166Depauw U
2256Des Moines U
0720Des Moines U HAMPCAS
0447Des Moines U Phys Asst CASPA
0463Des Moines U Phys Therapy PTCAS
4414Des Moines U PostBac
1822Des Moines U SOHAS
2021Desales U
0540Desales U CASPA
2963DeSales U CSDCAS
4460DeSales U PTCAS
1186DeVry Inst Addison
5715DeVry Inst Atlanta
1605DeVry Inst Columbus
6180DeVry Inst Dallas
4214DeVry Inst Los Angeles
4277DeVry Inst Phoenix
1171DeVry Inst Tech
2203DeVry Inst Tech Woodbridge
9549DeVry U Arlington
9553DeVry U Bethesda
5763DeVry U Charlotte
1084DeVry U Cleveland
1049DeVry U Columbus
1350DeVry U Dayton Ctr
5375DeVry U Decatur
6311DeVry U Edna
9558DeVry U Federal Way
7425Devry U Fremont
3542DeVry U Ft Washington
9573DeVry U Henderson
9620DeVry U Irving
6092DeVry U Kansas City
7379DeVry U Manhattan
0948DeVry U Memphis
9576DeVry U Merrillville
9578DeVry U Oklahoma City
9580DeVry U Orlando
4277DeVry U Phoenix
9592DeVry U Pomona
9604DeVry U Portland
3653DeVry U Sandy
9613DeVry U Waukesha
5979DeVry U Westminster
4282Dharma Realm Buddhist U
2186Dickinson Coll
6477Dickinson St U
4193Digipen Inst Tech
6164Dillard U
5639Divine Mercy U
6174Divine Word Coll
4649Dixie State U
6165Doane Coll
4167DoD SMART Scholarship Program
5949DOE DHS DOD Fellowship MUSC
2190Dominican Coll
2498Dominican House of Studies
0585Dominican Sch Philos & Theo
1667Dominican U
6297Dominican U Brennan Sch Bus
4284Dominican U California
2587Dominican U California CASPA
4107Dominican U California OTCAS
7340Dominican U CASPA
6171Dordt Coll
2192Douglass Coll Rutgers U
2011Dowling Coll
6168Drake U
1892Drake U Coll Phar Hlth Sci OTCAS
4519Drake U Coll Pharm Hlth Sci ATCAS
3979Drake U Law School
2193Drew U
2194Drexel U
7795Drexel U Phys Therapy
7890Drexel U Sch Pub Hlth SOPHAS
0065Drexel U Westphal Coll
4120Drexel Univ Thomas R Kline School of Law
6169Drury U
3989Drury U Physician Assistant Program
0589Duke Divinity Sch
5156Duke U
5473Duke U Doctor Phys Therapy PTCAS
0422Duke U Phys Asst CASPA
4916Duke U School of Law
4893Duplichain U
2196Duquesne U
0736Duquesne U CSDCAS
7603Duquesne U Phys Therapy
3377Duquesne U School of Law
2197Dyouville Coll
1195Earlham Coll & Earlham Sch Rel
1544Earlham Coll Masters Art/Teach